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Replica Prada Handbags It happens in 1 out of every 500 births in the United States and the exact cause is unknown.Some children with intestinal malrotation are born with other associated conditions Prada Cheap Bags, including:other defects of the digestive systemabnormalities of other organs, including the spleen or liverWhat Problems Can It Cause?Malrotation can lead to these complications:In a condition called volvulus, the bowel twists on itself, cutting off the blood flow to the tissue and causing the tissue to die. Symptoms of volvulus, including pain and cramping, are often what lead to the diagnosis of malrotation.Bands of tissue called Ladd’s bands may form, obstructing the first part of the small intestine (the duodenum).Obstruction caused by volvulus or Ladd’s bands is a potentially life threatening problem. The bowel can stop working and intestinal tissue can die from lack of blood supply if an obstruction isn’t recognized and treated. Replica Prada Handbags
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